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31/07/2020 - Spanish
Algunos Aspectos Teóricos y Prácticos de la Asimilación de Datos en la Predicción Meteorológica. Centro de Modelización Matemática (MODEMAT)l, Ecuador.
14/08/2020 - English
Scientific Machine Learning and its Potentials. Associate Professor, Willamette University, USA.
28/08/2020 - English
Nature-Inspired Algorithms: Challenges and Open Problems, Senior Research Scientist at National Physical Laboratory, MiddleSex University, UK.
11/09/2020 - English
Calibration and Kalman Filtering for Tide and Storm-Surge Models. Senior Researcher Oceanography/Mathematics. DELTARES. The Netherlands.
12/11/2020 - Spanish
Towards scalable algorithms for distributed optimization and learning. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
24/11/2020 - English
Data assimilation: from dynamically based to data-driven approaches. Dept of Meteorology and NCEO, University of Reading, UK. Mathematical Institute, University of Utrecht, the Netherland.
18/03/2021 - Spanish
Model error covariance estimation in particle filters using batch and online smoother-free adaptations of the Expectation- Maximization algorithm. Dpto Matemática, FaCENA, UNNE y CONICET. Argentina.